A young actor named Praneeth Babu who debuted with 'Avakai Biryani' movie has struggled to establish himself as an actor, but it looks like he is succeeding as a director. The first look of his debut directorial is right now making waves in Tollywood.
The teaser poster of the film 'Manasu Gathi Inthey' has turned many heads due to its content. More than the title or the arresting design of the poster, what grabs our attention is the hand that is holding a cigarette and a whisky glass there. The 'henna' on the hand and the hand itself are indicating that they belong to a modern girl who is heartbroken. Though heroines and women are shown in most conventional way in Telugu flicks, this movie wants to break those barriers it seems. But how far the smoking and drinking acts of a girl will be accepted by Censor Board and Women's associations here is something we need see.
Cine analysts are saying that right now our young generation makers are inspiring from 'Delhi Belly' and hence all these arresting posters and raw-subjects. Is Tollywood ready to accept them?
The teaser poster of the film 'Manasu Gathi Inthey' has turned many heads due to its content. More than the title or the arresting design of the poster, what grabs our attention is the hand that is holding a cigarette and a whisky glass there. The 'henna' on the hand and the hand itself are indicating that they belong to a modern girl who is heartbroken. Though heroines and women are shown in most conventional way in Telugu flicks, this movie wants to break those barriers it seems. But how far the smoking and drinking acts of a girl will be accepted by Censor Board and Women's associations here is something we need see.
Cine analysts are saying that right now our young generation makers are inspiring from 'Delhi Belly' and hence all these arresting posters and raw-subjects. Is Tollywood ready to accept them?
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