Kajal Agarwal who has been in the top league for the past few years has now set a huge record, which is yet to be achieved by her counterparts. The count of her fan club has crossed the 1 Million mark on her official Facebook page, taking the credit of being the first actress from South to reach the feat. Notably, most of the actresses down south weren't even close to that million mark.
For Kajal, interacting with fans makes her a actor. "I think Facebook is a great platform to connect with my fans. I get so many reviews and feedback on my movies, roles, acting and style which helps me to know my real strengths and weaknesses as an actor. I do personally interact with my fans when time permits and will also send replies to their comments," says the actress.
Kajal is yet to sign a new film post the stupendous success of Tupaki. As many as three of her films (Nayak, Sarocharu and Special 26) will be hitting the screens in the next three months.
For Kajal, interacting with fans makes her a actor. "I think Facebook is a great platform to connect with my fans. I get so many reviews and feedback on my movies, roles, acting and style which helps me to know my real strengths and weaknesses as an actor. I do personally interact with my fans when time permits and will also send replies to their comments," says the actress.
Kajal is yet to sign a new film post the stupendous success of Tupaki. As many as three of her films (Nayak, Sarocharu and Special 26) will be hitting the screens in the next three months.
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