Allu Aravind is taking utmost care to launch his younger son Allu Sirish as hero. He has strategically planned a bilingual to launch him. Sirish's Gouravam is being made in Tamil and Telugu which is being directed by critically acclaimed Radha Mohan. Aravind has already made up his mind about how Sirish's second film should be.
Success speaks louder in film industry and hence Aravind is planning a commercially viable project as Sirish's second venture. This will be directed by Maruthi, who scored back to back hits with Ee Rojullo and Bus Stop movies. Maruthi knows the pulse of current youth and he makes movies that instantly click with this age group.
Allu Sirish will do his second film under Maruthi direction and this film too would have youthful scenes and comedy as Maruthi's previous films. But this will also have commercial elements to exhibit Sirish skills as a commercial hero. Aravind wants Sirish to appeal to the youngsters as Charan and Allu Arjun are trying to lure the masses and family audiences respectively.
Success speaks louder in film industry and hence Aravind is planning a commercially viable project as Sirish's second venture. This will be directed by Maruthi, who scored back to back hits with Ee Rojullo and Bus Stop movies. Maruthi knows the pulse of current youth and he makes movies that instantly click with this age group.
Allu Sirish will do his second film under Maruthi direction and this film too would have youthful scenes and comedy as Maruthi's previous films. But this will also have commercial elements to exhibit Sirish skills as a commercial hero. Aravind wants Sirish to appeal to the youngsters as Charan and Allu Arjun are trying to lure the masses and family audiences respectively.
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